Posted on August 29, 2016
The City of Biloxi is seeking permits to dredge seven sites along the peninsula, including two public boat docks and the Hiller Park boat launch and bayou.
The $355,000 project, which would be paid for with Tidelands funds, proposes deepening the water at seven locations: a canal near the Sherman L. Canaan Back Bay Fishing Dock, the western end of Point Cadet Marina, the canal and boat launch area at Hiller Park, and four neighborhood canals fronting more than a dozen streets on the north and south sides of Back Bay.
“These are all areas where residents and boat owners have complained for years that they wanted to see silt removed,” said Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich. “We’re looking to make that happen, to make these areas more accessible for boat owners.”
The dredging is not expected to begin until at least after the first of the year, depending on the outcome of a hearing next month at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.
“We’re hoping to get this project ready to bid by the end of the year, but it all depends on the permitting,” said City Engineer Christy LeBatard. “The DMR will conduct a public hearing on Sept. 20. We’re hoping the permits will be issued shortly after that, but depending on the public comments we may have to adjust the plans or locations slightly.”
Source: Biloxi