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Bethany Beach Looks For Solutions to Wetland Erosion Along Loop Canal

Posted on March 12, 2019

Photo by Kit Conn

Bethany Beach is looking for solutions to wetland erosion in its Loop Canal, which its officials say will likely require dredging and added bulkheads.

The possible project, which the town has yet to finalize, would tackle wetland erosion that has built up sediment at the bottom of the canal.

“It’s a project of conservation,” said Bethany Beach’s assistant town manager, John Apple. “This is for the public to access the waterways, and to conserve our natural habitats and wetlands.”

The Loop Canal, just south of Salt Pond, runs from Route 1 to the Assawoman Canal. Residents and visitors currently use the area for small boats, but officials warn that continued build-up could create an unnavigable waterway.

Deposited sediment from wetland erosion has caused parts of the area to become too shallow, officials say. They hope to dredge the canal to continue its recreational use.

Dredging is removing sediment from the bottom of a body of water and putting it in a new location. It’s often done in waterways through which boats travel. Town officials have proposed using the sediment removed by the potential dredging for wetland reclamation.

Environmentalists say that tidal waters traveling through the canal are powerful enough to scour adjacent land and deposit sediment into the waterway. That includes where the Loop Canal feeds into Salt Pond.

“At certain times, it’s barely navigable with any type of power boat,” said Bethany Beach resident Bob Collins, who lives near Lake Bethany.

Collins managed a project for the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays in 2015 to address erosion of land separating the Loop Canal from Salt Pond. He said he is not assigned to this project, and the Center for Inland Bays does not currently have a position on the plan.

The town is still weighing options on exactly how to combat the erosion.

Officials worry about flooding. They hope the project will keep the Loop Canal, which is part of the town drainage system, “free-flowing” in order to drain stormwater.

“The houses that are right on the water, they (residents) are really worried about erosion,” Collins said. “We love it here, but it does flood.”

Erosion could affect wildlife, too. One of the project’s targeted areas near Lake Bethany is a known nesting spot for great blue herons. The town believes erosion of that strip of land is responsible for sediment build-up in the canal system, and officials worry that continued erosion could deplete the strip.

Its erosion has already led to some falling trees. If trees continue to fall, officials say, that could impact nearby homes.

That strip of land will likely see new bulkheads, which are marine structures meant to hold back land where it abuts to water. Portions of the Loop Canal already contain bulkheads, and the town has yet to finalize how many more it will add.

South of the canal will get bulkheads, too. The town plans to add 30 feet of bulkheads on Evans Avenue at Third and Fourth streets, totaling 60 feet in those areas.

Bethany Beach is considering applying for grant funding for the project, which is estimated to cost up to $500,000. The project would likely be a joint application with DNREC and Army Corps of Engineers, should those entities and the town council approve it.

“We’re going to move ahead as soon as possible,” Apple said, adding that the council still needs to review the proposal.

DNREC did not respond to request for comment on the potential project.

Municipalities along the Inland Bays watershed are grappling with similar cases of wetland erosion. The Center for the Inland Bays has worked to target several spots with preservation techniques meant to “mimic nature” and avoid hardened structures like rocks and bulkheads. Those nature-mimicking methods instead use materials such as marsh grass or oyster beds, the plant roots or shellfish of which would ideally maintain the shoreline.

Environmentalists say these techniques are often preferred over hardened structures, which can be less successful in controlling erosion. Experts warn that hardened structures can also negatively impact the environment and wildlife over time.

But people familiar with the watershed say those methods aren’t always feasible, including along certain areas of the Loop Canal.

Those familiar with the canal say bulkheads and dredging are the more feasible option for some of the project’s targeted area.The town will likely place new bulkheads along a portion of land along the canal that experts say does not get a lot of sunlight.

“If you’re trying to use some of the nature-based techniques, the plants you would need there are going to need sunlight,” said Collins.

The south side of the canal, which is also experiencing erosion, gets more sunlight and could benefit from some living shoreline techniques, Collins said.

Officials say they’re keeping the environment in mind.

“Environmentally speaking, the best route for erosion control is a living shoreline,” Apple said. “But where that’s not applicable, a bulkhead would be put in place to ensure there’s no erosion.”


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