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Beach Replenishment by Weeks Marine Starting in Fenwick Earlier Than Expected

Some of the equipment the Army Corp of Engineers crew had on the beaches in Fenwick on Tuesday.

Posted on May 17, 2023

The Army Corp of Engineers began their beach replenishment in Fenwick Island this week. It was music to the ears for neighbors, business owners and town officials who were expecting the work to start in July.

In May, most people in Fenwick are used to hearing the sounds of the ocean and maybe a few seagulls. Well on Tuesday, neighbors walking near the beach would have heard heavy machinery up and running.

Elise Rubenstein, who lives in a beachfront home, is overjoyed to be hearing the work in the middle of May instead of the middle of summer.

“When we saw the trucks show up on Sunday and learned they’ll probably be gone by Memorial Day weekend, that was great news for us,” said Rubenstein.

Crews began their work tightly grouped together, working between East Dagsboro Street and East Cannon Street. Once they are finished with that section, they will move North towards Bethany.

The town was able to work with the Army Corp of Engineers, who hired Weeks Marine, another dredge company to begin the work. Fenwick’s mayor, Natalie Magdeburger, is thrilled the two parties were able to work it out.

“It is a great, great result for Fenwick and we’re really quite happy, quite blessed and quite pleased that the Army Corp of Engineers blessed us with starting the project here,” said Magdeburger.

The earlier work also saves business owners, like Scott Mumford, the headache of of dealing with construction at the height of tourist season.

“We’ve been down that road before and it’s a trainwreck,” said Mumford.

Mumford said it hurts real estate rentals, especially beach front properties and day-trippers.

Marvin Campbell and his girlfriend were down in Fenwick on Tuesday for a daytrip, and while the work did force them to relocate, Campbell said, not a problem.

“It’s not too much of a disappointment because you can still go down a block and enjoy your time, I don’t think it’s a big deal to make it ruin your whole day,” said Campbell.

The work in Fenwick is expected to wrap up around Memorial Day, barring any bad weather. The crews in Fenwick and Rehoboth plan to meet in the middle, in Bethany, and all beach replenishment looks like it will end in late June.


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