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Battle to save the ‘last Hawaiian island’ as Molokai residents fight to buy $260 million 55,575-acre ranch from Hong Kong firm that left it to rot and blocked beach access

The ranch, which encompasses more than 55,000 acres, has been abandoned for more than a decade

Posted on July 24, 2023

Local activists are fighting to reclaim access to a $260 million ranch on the island of Molokai after the Hong Kong investment firm that owns it locked up the beaches and left the buildings to rot for more than a decade.

Activists and non-profit organizations, such as Molokai Heritage Trust, have made repeated attempts to buy back the land but all their past proposals have been unsuccessful.

Now activists are organizing protest marches to reclaim their traditional rights to the land for access to cultural and historical sites as well as subsistence fishing and hunting.

Local activists are fighting to reclaim access to a $260 million ranch on the island of Molokai after the Hong Kong investment firm that owns it locked up the beaches and left the buildings to rot for more than a decade.

Activists and non-profit organizations, such as Molokai Heritage Trust, have made repeated attempts to buy back the land but all their past proposals have been unsuccessful.

Now activists are organizing protest marches to reclaim their traditional rights to the land for access to cultural and historical sites as well as subsistence fishing and hunting.

Local activists are fighting to reclaim access to a $260 million ranch on the island of Molokai

Activists and non-profit organizations, such as Molokai Heritage Trust, have made repeated attempts to buy back the land

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