Posted on August 1, 2016
The army corps of engineers is accepting public comment on a proposed change to an existing permit for the dredging of the mid-entrance channel in Barnstable Harbor.
The town is looking to dispose of about 3,500 cubic yards of sediment at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site instead of the previously permitted Blish Point Sediment Containment Basin which is no longer a viable spot for dredged material due to erosion.
The entire project seeks to dredge a 182,000 square-foot area to a depth of 6 feet below mean low water at Maraspin Creek/Barnstable Harbor. About 20,000 cubic yards of sandy material will be removed and dewatered above the high tide line at Millway Beach before it will be placed as beach and dune nourishment at the Sandy Neck Cottage and Lighthouse areas, along with Sandy Neck Public Beach.
Public comment will be accepted through August 18. Work is scheduled for the fall or winter.
Public comment should be forwarded to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Regulatory Division (ATTN: Kevin Kotelly), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751.
Source: CapeCod.com