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Barnstable County Dredge Gets $975,000 in Funding

Posted on May 3, 2023

Grant funding was recently awarded to the Barnstable County Dredge Department in an amount of $975,000 from the Massachusetts Dredging Program.

Barnstable County Chair Mark Forest spoke about the importance of the funds for dredge work being done in the region.

“We’re thrilled that the Commonwealth has stepped up and provided us additional funds for our dredge department. One of the things that we’re very proud of in Barnstable County is our dredge department and all the dredging that we do in our Cape communities,” said Forest.

The purpose of the grant will be to upgrade dredging software and hardware, purchase replacement equipment, and purchase other equipment used to perform pre-and post-dredge surveys.

“We’re very much a maritime oriented region, state access in and out of our ports and harbors is incredibly important. We have a very important marine economy and fishing is a very important part of the Cape’s economy,” Forest said.

Maintaining navigational channels to support commercial fishing, recreational boating, and transportation while simultaneously improving water flow to maintain water quality in the bays and estuarine systems will be the main goals for dredging and other projects.

With this month being National County Government Month, officials are focused on protecting Cape Cod waters.

The significance of groundwater and public water supplies along with the importance of land use management in maintaining the Cape’s aquifer’s integrity have been focal points of recent discussions.


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