Posted on September 16, 2015
The State of New Jersey Department of Transportation is working in conjunction with North Wildwood City officials to accommodate a much needed back-bay beach creek dredging project. An estimated 43,000 cubic yards of sand will be dredged from the Beach Creek channel and North Wildwood inlet, onto the front beach of North Wildwood, south of 2nd Avenue and JFK Boulevard. The dredged materials are considered beach-quality sand, consisting of excess 90 percent beach sand.
This project is scheduled to begin before the end of Sept. and is expected to take several weeks to complete. Once the project starts, there will be heavy machinery in use on our public beaches. 15th Avenue will be the only staging area and will also serve as the only access-way for heavy machinery and large vehicles. 5th Avenue will serve as an access-way for light-duty equipment. With the project underway, residents, visitors, and vacationers are reminded to be aware of their surroundings.
“This is a win-win situation for us,” Mayor Rosenello commented. “We’re having our back-bay waterway dredged, making it easily navigable by boat; and we are providing much needed replenishment to our beach, which has seen erosion over the years.”