Posted on May 10, 2023
Looking toward an expected completion date of mid-May, beach nourishment has been underway in Rehoboth Beach since late April. With that in mind, the Army Corps of Engineers released an updated construction schedule May 1 for Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, South Bethany and Fenwick Island. Additionally, the Army Corps has updated the amount of sand each community will receive.
In Dewey Beach, Weeks Marine will begin work after finishing in Rehoboth and is expected to be completed in early June. About 195,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed on the beach between Saulsbury Street and Beach Avenue to the south. A pipe landing was made between Read and Rodney avenues. Similar to Rehoboth, work will move north from the pipe landing toward Saulsbury Street first, then flip and go south toward Beach Avenue.
In Fenwick Island, the construction schedule has been moved up because Weeks is bringing in a third dredge, which is due to arrive mid-May. Construction should begin soon after and be completed by early June. A pipe landing will be made between Dagsboro and Cannon streets, and about 207,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed from James Street south to Lighthouse Road. Work will go north to south.
In South Bethany, construction will take place after Fenwick Island and is estimated to take place between late May and mid- to late June. About 320,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed from North 5th Street south to the north end of Fenwick Island State Park. A pipe landing will be made between South 2nd and South 3rd streets. Work will go north to south.
In Bethany Beach, construction will follow Dewey or South Bethany, whichever finishes first. Construction is estimated to take place starting in early June and be completed in late June. About 320,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed from 3rd Street south to Wellington Park. A pipe landing will be made between North 1st and Division streets. Work will go north to south.
As for staging and moving equipment, the Army Corps said Weeks Marine will be using the parking lot at Fenwick Island State Park to transport equipment onto the beach. This will conclude by about Monday, May 8. After beachfill operations conclude in Fenwick Island, beachside equipment will be transported from Fenwick Island to South Bethany via the beach – a roughly 3-mile trip.
Equipment will be transported for about three days during off-peak hours with a spotter. Equipment will not be moved over Memorial Day weekend.
Dates are estimates subject to change based on weather, equipment issues and overall dredging progress.

The yellow screens at the end of the lines are used to catch unexploded munitions.

With two lines going, it takes a team to spread out the sand.

The dredge brings about 2,000 cubic yards of sand to the beach each trip, and it takes 60 to 90 minutes to unload.

Like a person smoothing out a baseball infield, this tractor takes a spare piece of pipe and smooths out some sand.

Buoys mark the pipeline connecting the Weeks Marine dredge to the line coming onshore.

The Henlopen Hotel staff are letting customers know what’s going on and that it’s out of their control.

The contractor will flip the operation south toward Delaware Avenue once they’re done with the northern portion of Rehoboth Beach.