Posted on March 15, 2023
The Town of Mashpee submitted a permit application to the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, for proposed dredging and beach nourishment work in the approach channel to Popponesset Bay and Vineyard Sound and surrounding areas.
The proposed work involves hydraulically dredging approximately 45,900 cubic yards of sandy material from shoaled areas totaling 7.6 acres within the Popponesset Bay Approach Channel. The town proposes to deepen the existing channel and add a 600-foot-long by 150-foot-wide sediment catch basin on the northwestern side of the channel.
The majority of the dredged material will be placed below the mean low water line along the seaward side of Popponesset Spit. Placement areas will include areas of coastal beach above high tide line on Popponesset Spit and subtidal habitat in Vineyard Sound on the seaward side of Popponesset Spit. The applicant plans to place an additional 27,800 cubic yards below the mean low water line. This additional material would be composed of clean sand from upland sources that would be compatible with the sand in the receiving subtidal area.
The Army Corps is soliciting comments from members of the public; federal, state and local agencies; American Indian Tribes; and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity.