Posted on March 27, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, has flood teams on the ground in Sprague, Washington, in the St. Joe River basin in Idaho and in Troy, Montana.
The Corps is working on a temporary measure to stabilize a section of levee on the St. Joe River in support of the City of St. Maries to address flood damages along approximately 300 feet of the landward side of the levee. Once the stabilization measures are completed, they will place riprap on the riverward side of the levee to prevent further scouring. This levee protects the City of St. Maries, including roads, water and sewer system, power, communications and interior drainage.
Sprague has requested support in response to a flooding creek, and the team has provided technical assistance and two pumps, 7,500 sandbags, 100 super sacks and plastic sheeting. Flooding has put at risk roads and City offices as well as stormwater, water, sewer, communications and power infrastructure.
The Kootenai basin team is assisting the county with assistance at Callahan Creek in Troy, Montana, where they expect to begin staging rock today that could be used, if necessary, for a temporary emergency repair to the damaged levee in Troy.
The Corps has also supplied a pump to Kootenai County and distributed 5,000 sandbags to the City of Ellensburg, Washington, and 5,000 to the City of St. Maries.
Flood team members will be in the areas of concern to provide assistance as requested and monitor conditions until the major flood threat has passed.
Source: US Army Corps of Engineers