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Army Corps of Engineers and USDA honored at ceremony

Colonel Jason Evans of the Army Corps of Engineers and Mayor Carolyn Rader sign grant paperwork for $1,050,000. Suzette Lowe / The Jackson Herald

Posted on November 3, 2020

The contributions of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers were honored at an Oct. 15 ceremony at Ripley City Hall.

Two major projects, one moving into its second phase, were partially funded by these two agencies.

The Mill Creek Dam has been completed with a grant from the USDA.

The waste management project has two components. The first was the building of a collection system and pump station. The second phase is a state-of-the-art sewer plant which is targeted to be completed in two years. This will bring the system into complete compliance to meet permit limits and will also address environmental concerns.

Senator Shelly Moore Capito who, along with Senator Joe Manchin, sits on the United States Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke to the attendees.

“Moving on with these projects will help Ripley grow,” Capito said. “We are working to get more money available for communities through the 571 program, but also recognize that the communities will have to do more themselves. Ripley has done that, and this is a great day for the city.”

Both Kris Warner from West Virginia Rural Development and Colonel Jason Evans of the Corp of Engineers spoke highly of the city’s efforts and commitment to these projects.

“The hard work is being done on the local level,” Colonel Evans said. “This is a fine example of how federal, state, and local agencies can work together to get things done.”

Mayor Carolyn Rader and Colonel Evans then signed paperwork to formally accept a $1,050,000 grant from the Army Corps of Engineers through Section 571 and the Central West Virginia Environmental Infrastructure Program. This grant will be applied to Phase II of the waste management project.

“We have such deep gratitude for all the help and support these agencies and departments have given to the city of Ripley,” Mayor Rader said.

Source: jacksonnewspapers

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