Posted on May 22, 2019
Argentinian Port Administrator Consorcio Portuario Regional de Mar del Plata (CPRM) plans to use its own money to fund an estimated $3 million US dredging project, which is expected for 2020, CPRM’s president, Martín Merlini, told local media Pescare. Merlini said the port administrator expects to release a dredging tender by either the second half (H2) of 2020 or early 2021. In the past few years, CPRM has been responsible for both planning and financing the dredging works. In the past, the port administrator used to get financial aid from either the local province or the federal government. As previously reported by International Dredging Review (IDR) in 2017, Spanish dredge operator Canlemar SL won a maintenance dredging tender for the Port of Mar Del Plata back in February 2017. Canlemar SL was awarded the project for about $3.5 million US. The Spanish company completed the maintenance dredging project in 2018. Merlini labeled the Spanish dredge operator’s performance as “impeccable.” Canlemar SL used its Omvac 10 to dredge the local port. Merlini said CPRM is still paying Canlemar SL for the works, with two installments are left out of six.
Source: dredgemag.com