Posted on March 1, 2018
In Brazil, the Tribunal de Contas da União (Federal Court of Accounts) has given the go-ahead for tenders covering concessions for four terminals under the central government’s Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos (Investments Partnerships Programme).
In the Port of Paranaguá, the finished vehicles terminal is to be offered to investors, along with the wood pulp terminals at the Port Itaqui and the Port of Paranaguá. The fourth is the wood chip terminal at the Port de Santana.
As part of the bidding process for the 25-year concessions, the greatest weight will be given to the financial aspect of the bid.
The government is planning to publish the four tenders during the first quarter of the current year. Current expectations are that the four concessions will generate investment of around $123m. However, previous new tenders have not generated the levels of interest hoped for, with many investors shying away given high levels of perceived state corruption and a shaky economy.
Source: PortStrategy