Posted on April 5, 2023
The US Army Corps of Engineers annually dredges the mouth of the Oceanside Harbor for safe navigation of vessels. The annual dredge typically occurs in the spring with a goal of completion by Memorial Day each year. The amount of time it takes to start and complete the dredge is dependent upon many factors. Weather and the grunion run are two examples that can create delays.
The sand dredged from the Harbor inlet is pumped onto Oceanside beaches. The amount of sand available each year to be placed on the beaches is dependent on how much excess sand fills in the harbor entrance each winter; it varies from year to year. How far south the dredged sand can be deposited is very dependent upon the erosion that occurred during the preceding months. Often times, the beach on the north side of the Pier must be filled in substantially in order to support the pipe that must be laid on the beach.
You’ll see heavy equipment at the beach during this operation, along with large pipe and dozers. Harbor Lot #12 is closed during this work for staging equipment. For safety reasons, a path for heavy equipment is marked on the beach with delineators and barricades. You may see the dredge vessel in the Harbor inlet, working to pump the sand through the pipe. They move the outfall pipe south as they go. You may see a fenced area around the San Luis Rey River mouth to protect the Western Snowy Plover nesting areas. The contractor will make ramps over the pipe for you to continue to access the beach. Please use caution at the beach during the dredge operation.
Due to weather, grunion runs, and other factors, changes in the schedule do occasionally arise and delay the project. The annual dredge generally takes 6-7 weeks.
2023 Dredge Updates
- 3/28/23: The Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers confirmed that April 3 , 2023 is the target date to begin mobilizing for the annual dredge of the Oceanside Harbor inlet.
- The dredge is expected to begin about April 12, 2023. The entire dredge cycle is anticipated to last 6 to 8 weeks.
- The average amount of sand dredged from the inlet and placed onto Oceanside beaches is usually between 200,000 and 300,000 cubic yards. This year, they estimate about 500,000 of sand will be placed on Oceanside beaches, which is much more than usual due to the storms that have built up more material in the Harbor inlet.
- Oceanside Harbor inlet is dredged annually by the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that vessels can navigate safely in and out of Oceanside Harbor and Camp Pendleton. The sand buildup creates a shallow depth in the inlet and breaking waves that can limit vessel navigation.
- Safety measures during the dredging operation include a delineated pathway for moving equipment, posted signs, flagmen, and a lead vehicle for tractors. No events in the area are permitted during any portion of the dredge cycle.
- Environmental safety measures are also implemented.
- Please use caution on the beach in and around the pipe and vehicles.
Other Sand Replenishment Efforts
The City of Oceanside hired a Coastal Zone Administrator in 2022 to focus solely on sand replenishment efforts on City beaches.