Posted on December 19, 2017
Following the collapse of Jati Padang dike in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, after heavy rain last week, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said the city administration would dredge Pulo River to restore the levee’s function.
Jati Padang dike has collapsed several times this year, causing flooding in nearby residential areas.
Anies said this continues to happen because squatters had built temporary dwellings along the riverbank, narrowing the river to a width of only 2 meters and disrupting the flow of water.
Pulo River should be 20 m wide to function normally, he added.
“The residents even said the river was lost because of the dwellings,” Anies said on Sunday as quoted by tempo.co.
The governor pointed to dredging as a long-term solution for flood prevention in the area, but declined to provide details on a plan to relocate the squatters who had settled along the river.
He assured that the city administration would focus on rebuilding a stronger Jati Padang dike amid the rainy season.
During the gubernatorial campaign season, Anies repeatedly vowed that, unlike former governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, he would not evict residents of illegal settlements.
Source: The Jakarta Post