Posted on July 17, 2023
IBERIA PARISH, La. (KLFY) -The United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), and The Port of Iberia have partnered to deepen and widen the port’s waterway, allowing for more access to and from the Gulf of Mexico.
“The type of commodities that are going through these channels and ports is vital to the entire nation,” said Corp of Engineers Senior Project Manager P.J. Varnado. “That deeper channel is going to allow the port to pass the types of vessels required to get larger and bigger commodities out.”
The project has been years in the making. After going through multiple roadblocks to make the project official, federal funds were finally received to complete a validation report of the entire port.
Varnado said, “It is going to look at all the commodities and all of the infrastructure and companies the Port of Iberia supports and all the economic value that they bring.”
The plan is to deepen the channel from 12 feet to 16 feet with a 150-foot bottom. Port of Iberia Executive Director Craig Romero said he is excited for the project and what it brings to the Acadiana area.
“It is going to create more job opportunities for our local people,” Romero said. “This channel project is going to turn the lights on for a lot of families in Acadiana and South Louisiana.”
Romero gives a shout out to all representatives who were able to move this project forward.
“All of the Acadiana delegation has stepped forward,” Romero said. “The state stepped up and put the money in realizing the economic value in making this installation of a deep-water port right here in Acadiana.”
A validation report will be conducted over the next year to confirm project costs and benefits.