Posted on February 28, 2022
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 21 February 2022 – The fourth episode (The Innovators) of the creative multimedia project, is now available. The Dyke, social impact stories of a Dutch icon, is a project made by photographer Cynthia Boll and journalist Stephanie Bakker in cooperation with Van Oord. The Dyke sketches a portrait of a country in transition, how the Dutch move with it and the role of the Afsluitdijk in this transition.
Preparing the Netherlands for a safe and sustainable future requires more than just sturdy dams and dykes. Given its location and circumstances, the Afsluitdijk is a perfect testing ground for a variety of innovations relating to energy, economics and nature. The world’s first blue power plant is located on the Afsluitdijk. ‘Even when there is no wind and the sun isn’t shining, blue energy always works.’ See how Pieter Hack from REDstack turns his dreams into actions.
There are a few man-made structures visible from the moon. The Afsluitdijk is one of them. What does this dyke mean to the Netherlands? Photographer Cynthia Boll and journalist Stephanie Bakker decided to examine this question. In six personal stories, The Dyke sketches a portrait of a country in transition. It addresses themes such as energy transition, climate change, ecology, water safety and its economic importance.