Posted on November 30, 2017
Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana, which operates the Honduran Port of Puerto Cortés, is to invest $624m over the next 14 years to enable it to handle neo-panamax vessels transiting the Panama Canal.
The work will involve boosting quay capacity, which it is hoped will enable Honduras to become a logistics hub for the Americas. Simultaneously, the government has committed to build seven land corridors, one of which will connect Puerto Cortés, on the Atlantic, with the Port of Amapala, on the Pacific.
As part of an initial upgrade phase, the 350-metre long Quay 6, on which work began this year, will be opened in 2018. It will have alongside draft of 14.5 metres and be equipped with two super post-panamax gantries.
Phase II goes live in 2023, when a further 550 metres of deep draft quay will become available and four further cranes introduced. This will give capacity of 1.8m teu.
Source: portstrategy