Posted on February 9, 2017
By Juan Andres Abarca, BNAmericas
The government of Argentina has received bids in the first three tenders for projects under its US$900mn Salado river basin master plan.
The tenders are for contracts to carry out widening and deepening work along 35km of the Salado river (pictured) in Buenos Aires province, to help prevent flooding of farmland. Work to relocate, and rebuild, bridges will also be carried out.
Bids were submitted by Pentamar, Ecodyma, Helport-Chediak (UTE), Sabavisa, Constructora Dos Arroyos and Dragados y Obras Portuarias, the country’s interior, public works and housing ministry said.
The combined reference price of the three tenders is 1.700bn pesos (US$108mn) and about 95,000 people are expected to benefit from the initiatives.
The tenders correspond to three stretches known as A1, A2 and A3, extending from Las Flores to Bragado in the districts of General Belgrano, Monte, Roque Pérez and Lobos.
The overall Salado river master plan involves work along 212km and 20 bridges.
Source: BNAmericas