Posted on July 19, 2016
By Serafina Silaitoga, The Fiji Times
The $4.2 million repair works to the Nabouwalu Jetty has been completed.
The maintenance done by Hall Pacific in the past four months included dredging and civil construction works.
The company’s managing director, Cameron Hall, said the project — delivered on behalf of Fiji Roads Authority — had been successful in enabling the efficient delivery of people and goods to the north.
“Nabouwalu Jetty has been operational for more than two decades,” he said.
“However, the existing jetty structure and causeway both sustained significant damage over this period and required major repairs.
“Given that the jetty services a range of ferries, fishing and shipping vessels as well as police, Customs and navy personnel, it was critical that it remained operational throughout the construction period.
“To achieve this, our team carried out works in stages.
“We isolated the existing jetty and jetty extension, installed a new concrete slab overlay on the existing ramp to prevent failure of the underlying concrete structure and then set about repairing elements of the causeway, such as the road surface and rock armour.”
Mr Hall said the company carried out dredging works as part of the project, with stringent environmental assessments and measures implemented to prevent environment impact.
“Some shipping companies using the jetty reported that the levels of sedimentation present prior to the works being carried out restricted use of the facility’s ramp at lower tide levels,” he said.
“To combat this, our team dredged the seabed to provide sufficient depth for shipping across a full tidal range.
“Hall Pacific is no stranger to the dredging and civil construction industry in Fiji, having worked with the Fiji Government and various local communities over the past decade to lessen the impacts of river flooding and improve tourism infrastructure across the country,” Mr Hall said.
Mr Hall said the company dredged rivers in Nadi, Navua and Ba rivers, as well as upgrades to the Denarau entrance channel.
Source: The Fiji Times