Posted on April 9, 2019
We invite you to nominate for the annual WEDA Safety Excellence Awards individual organizations or project teams whose exceptional safety performance exhibits a proactive approach to raising safety awareness in the dredging workplace.
One award will be present in of the following categories:
- Dredging Project – view application
- Dredging Contractor – view application
Applications must be submitted to Julie Hile by May 1, 2019.
Nominations will be accepted in PDF format at hgoffice@hilegroup.com. Please contact Julie by email or phone with questions or requests for clarification.
Julie Hile, WEDA Safety Commission Chair 309-888-4453
Be aware that Safety Award winners are asked to attend the Dredging Summit & Expo to participate on the Safety Panel and receive the award in person. The 2019 Summit will be held June 4-7, 2019, in Chicago, Illinois. The theme for this year’s Summit & Expo is “Waves of Change: Oceans of Opportunity.”
For additional information, please see the WEDA Safety Award Criteria below. Best Regards,
The WEDA Safety Commission
Safety Excellence Awards
View / Print Dredging Contractor Application | View / Print Dredging Project Application
During the last decade, workplace safety has gained prominence in the dredging industry at large and within the Western Dredging Association (WEDA). In 2008, the WEDA Board of Directors authorized the creation of the WEDA Annual Safety Award. By 2010, our yearly Dredging Summit & Expo included Technical Papers specific to Safety, and in 2014 we led our first Safety Panel discussion, which was lively and well-attended. Today, we continue to encourage papers about Safety, and we observe that many papers in other Technical areas reflect the integration of safety into dredging operation’s priorities and processes.
The 2018 WEDA Safety Awards will recognize projects for their outstanding contribution to meeting the goals of WEDA, which include:
Promote communications and understanding of safety issues aimed at reducing or eliminating personnel injuries/fatalities and equipment damages, which contribute materially to hazards throughout the dredging industry.
Eligible applicants may include dredging contractors, suppliers and manufacturers, government entities, consultants, academics, and any combination or subset thereof.
Applicants must:
- Be WEDA members in good standing.
- Operate within the Western Hemisphere, WEDA’s jurisdiction.
- Have a 2018 Total Recordable Injury Rate of 2.0 or below.
- Have a continuous downward trend in Recordable Incidents for 2016-2018.
The Application
Of great interest to the Safety Commission are those entities who have achieved a major milestone that advances safety in their organization, and/or the dredging industry and offers insights and safety strategies that can be used to improve WEDA members’ safety performance.
The application must include:
1. A narrative describing the contractor’s safety journey, its challenges and unique success strategies.
2. An overview of the company’s Safety Management System (SMS) and other noteworthy support processes.
3. Leading indicators of safety success (actions taken to ensure safe work) such as near miss/good catch rates, training records, safety STOP rates, records of safety contacts among company employees at all levels, or quality checks on Job Safety Analysis.
4. Total Recordable Injury and Lost Time Injury Rates for 2016-2018.
5. A closing reflection about what the contractor’s safety accomplishments offer WEDA colleagues, including 2 safety improvement strategies or tools to be shared during the conference Safety Panel.
Optional: Encouraged but not required are up to 3 personal letters of endorsement from company executives, safety professionals, and field safe operations leaders detailing their take on the company’s safety successes.
Applications must be submitted to Julie Hile by May 1, 2019.
Nominations will be accepted in PDF format at hgoffice@hilegroup.com. Please contact Julie by email or phone with questions or requests for clarification.
Julie Hile, WEDA Safety Commission Chair, 309-888-4453
View / Print Dredging Contractor Application | View / Print Dredging Project Application