Posted on April 9, 2019
Breakwater needs replacement costing $160M
The Commonwealth Ports Authority has 13 projects for the Tinian harbor with an estimated cost of $186.2 million, including plans to replace the deteriorating breakwater that will cost up to $160 million.
According to a CPA document called “Strategic Planning for CNMI Air and Seaports,” vessels will not be able to dock and moor on Tinian if the breakwater is not repaired or replaced.
The breakwater, which is about 4,600 feet long, is the protective wall just outside of the seaport and the marina. It allows safe docking and mooring of vessels.
CPA said the project duration is four and a half years and its funding source is pending.
The second biggest project for the Tinian harbor is the $12.6-million entrance channel dredging.
CPA said the original depth of the inner harbor was 28 feet, while the channel was at 35 feet.
Currently, CPA said, the depth at the inner harbor is 24 feet while the channel remains at 35 feet.
A dredging project is needed in order for the harbor to accommodate larger vessels.
The plan is to dredge the seaport to a depth of 40 feet. The dredging will allow larger vessels to come in and increase activity at the seaport.
Being able to harbor larger vessels will not only benefit the ports agency, but the economy of Tinian as well, CPA said.
A draft of 40 feet should be sufficient to accommodate larger commercial and military vessels to call port and service the island, CPA dded.
The project duration is five years and its funding source is pending.
The other projects are the $300,000 fire hydrant system at the seaport, the $250,000 dock lighting, the $310,000 perimeter fence replacement, the $2.5-million fender/bollard replacement, the $2-million concrete cap reconstruction and sheetpile installation, the $2-million roll-on, roll-off ramp, the $5-million center finger pier removal, the $300,000 cargo area expansion, the $300,000 trailer park, boat wash station and storage, the $300,000 public launch ramp, and $300,000 for public restrooms.
CPA executive director Christopher S. Tenorio said the Strategic Planning document outlines what the CPA staff and management have identified as priorities that CPA will pursue over the next four years.
Tenorio is inviting input and dialogue from policy makers and industry partners such as the Marianas Visitors Authority, Hotel Association of the NMI, and the Saipan Chamber of Commerce, to help fine-tune their action plan.
Source: saipantribune.com