Posted on July 15, 2019
Ports are under constant threat of siltation. Therefore, deepening and widening the navigation channel is the priority of every dredging professionals. It is always challenging to supervise dredging activities for port construction and expansion include the creation of access channels, berthing places and turning basins, reclaiming land for yard and terminal activities because of the uncertainty of marine industry.
The 10th Dredging & Land Reclamation World between 15-18 July 2019 in London is aimed at resolving the critical issues related to dredging and land reclamation operations. This summit will gather Chiefs/Heads/Managers/Engineers of Dredging & Reclamation from global Port Operators, Port Authorities, Maritime Authorities, Marine Terminal Companies, River/Waterway Structure Owners and Authorities, Reclamation & Urban Development Authorities, Ministries of Infrastructure/Transportation, Airports/Airport Authorities to fill you with proven case studies & strategies for dredging and land reclamation projects.
Key areas of discussion including managing project discrepancy through effective contract management, planning & use of dredged materials for land reclamation, effective project management to deliver dredging project on schedule – A detailed world’s leading dredging summitdesigned by practitioners for practitioners!
- Contract Management Issues Resolving the unique set of risks and issues on dredging operation: Excavation, Lifting, Transportation and Placement
- Accurate Hydrographic Survey Verify dredging accuracies and to measure the production performance and efficiency of dredging equipment to avoid dredging disruptions and environmental disasters
- Navigation & Channel Development Learn practical solutions to deal with dredging issues of flood risk, soil liquefaction, seabed level & land infrastructure to ensure dredging operations is executed as per project schedule
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials for Land Reclamation Discuss the current crisis of dredged material placement and disposal options as well as technology to assess and enhance suitability of dredged material for beneficial reuse
- Completed & On-going Dredging Projects Hear case studies on completed port expansion/development projects across global ports from Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe, US
- Project Management Improve your monitoring of project cycles to avoid major delays and ensure smooth execution of dredging operations
- Risk Assessment & Climate Change Adaption Develop risk assessment strategies to deal with uncertainties that appear over the dredging project life-cycle
Who you will meet at the 10th Dredging & Land Reclamation World Summit?
Leading Port Operators, Port Authorities, Maritime Authorities, Marine Terminal Companies, River/Waterway Structure Owners and Authorities, Reclamation & Urban Development Authorities, Ministries of Infrastructure/Transportation, Airports/Airport Authorities:
Chiefs/Heads/Senior Managers/Managers/Project Managers/Engineers/Specialists of
- Dredging & Land Reclamation
- Navigation Planning & Channel Development
- Projects
- Civil/Civil Engineering
- Harbour Masters
- Construction
- Environmental & Compliance
- Technical Services
- Marine Engineering
Source: EquipGlobal